
I met Ruth Cepedano visiting the exhibition “Liaisons” based on Ramon Guillen-Balmes‘s work, at the Escola Llotja, where we were invited by Jordi Plana the first day that we met him to talk about our MDBY project.

Ruth has a fragile appearance, opposite to her ceramic work that we you show to you today. She began in the world of the ceramics without looking for it and now it has turned into her language of expression.


A few days before Christmas, I went to her apartment, to know more about her work, which is surprising based on the short time she has been working on it, and it is also very inspiring to know the history of every piece, its process, the energies that she puts on it and the evolution that she shows through her work.
We show you her work, but you have to get to see it to be able to really appreciate it!

Ruth, you got into ceramic’s world with a “handcrafted” vision and now you are developing a ceramic work with an “artistic” vision, where is located this barrier?
I suppose that when I began to discover the need to express myself through my work, without having to seek for a utilitarian aspect, nor to think if it is going to like or is going to be sold.


How do you decide to cross it?
More than a decision we might say that it has been a natural process. This need to express myself has been taking more force and has been turning into my way of working. Also it is related to the fact of losing the fear of doing what you wish, that is obtained working, hereby confidence and security is acquired in one itself to be able to face new challenges.
And it has been very important the support of people close to me and teachers who have encouraged me to continue working on this.


Studying at the Escolla Llotja what has meant to you?
Many things, besides a technical basic training, due to the short duration of these studies, it turns out impossible to include everything. Also I have discovered the wide range of possibilities that offers the ceramics. Later, you have to choose what you are more interested about and focus on it.
The human part and all the relationships that I have made there is something I really appreciate.

How do you see your fellow students and in general the world of the ceramics in this country?
I see that there is a lot of talent, among some of my fellow students as in the ceramics’ world in general. What I also see is that is difficult to develop a ceramic work, handcrafted or artistic. Anyway, I prefer to be optimistic, since there are persons who achieve it. For sure, always is needed a lot of work and tenacity, besides a great passion and love for what you do.


Do you think that ceramics is appreciated?
I do not believe that ceramics are very much appreciated, not even that is sufficiently known. Beyond the typical utilitarian and decorative ceramics, the public in general knows very little about the artistic contemporary ceramics, that turns out to be very sad since we can find out really good and surprising things in this area. These ceramics are not into the concept of “art”, and there are very few galleries that work with it. There is a lot of work to do to voice the ceramics outside our own ceramics “sphere”.

In a certain way, ceramics do seem a “curative” technology, how would you define what is the ceramics for you?
First, ceramics has changed my life. Yes, it might seem a bit exaggerated, but I feel it this way. I am not a girl, I have had time to try several things, not always related to the creative area, but always I have supported a concern about this aspect. With the ceramics I have found the way across which I am able to express myself. Also I think that developing my work, learning and overcoming challenges, I get to know myself better and I progress as a human being.



The technology that you use in your works is very complex if we take into account that it’s been almost “yesterday” that you began on this….
Once again I have to say that it has been something very natural. The process itself takes me to another thing and so on. Also I have to admit that I like to complete the picture and make my life difficult.
I enjoy looking for solutions to carry out the idea that I have.

What do you think of the recognition of the awards that you have got?
I really appreciate it and it encourage myself to keep working, but at the same time I think they are subjective, you can succeed in a certain place and moment, and it can go unnoticed in other. So I do not give them more importance than what they are, and I keep working.


The prizes is a way to keep working on ceramics?
The money that you get with the awards is very welcome. But the most important is that gives you recognition, important because they open doors. The most important is to keep learning and working, so that money is useful for that.


Do you obtain a financial gain or is more a personal gain?
The personal satisfaction that you get when you do something you like is the most important financial gain when you work in an artistic area. Yes, you have to make a living, and I am sure not only me think like this, but I do not look forward to become a rich person. If I can survive, I will be happy.

Your world is sculpture’s world, would you like to make commissions for any client?
I could be an interesting challenge, but always with liberty and being able to apply my own language on the piece.


How do you think is the best to reach the public, participating on competitions? To make exhibitions in galleries?
Competitions and exhibitions are good ways to show your work. Although galleries are difficult to get into them, and there are few galleries who work with sculpture and even less with ceramics.
And do not forget internet, is a good way to explore to be able to reach the public.

How would you like to show your work?
As a mature and coherent work. Not to be just something aesthetical, to have a conceptual and emotional content. I am working towards it.


Which is the image that you would like to transmit through your pieces?
What I try is to convey emotion. Probably, it will not be the same emotion that I have tried to convey, but it does not matter, each person has his own interpretation, based on his experiences. What I am happy about is not to cause indifference.

Would you like to work in collaboration with any artist?
Well, i have not thought about it yet, but I am open to proposals. All experiences can be very interesting and you learn from each one.


What is your next goal?
I like the concept of an installation. To change the scale, from a unique objet to group of them who interact to tell a story.

How do you see yourself in 5 years?
My goal is not to stagnate, to improve. I hope that in 5 years, I can be learning and improving.


And in 10?
The same, if I can see myself in 10nyears in the same way as right now, that will mean that I can make a living of this, and that will be perfect.
Another thing I would like is to be able to share my knowledge with people that begin, that will be very satisfying.

